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A Szentágothai János Kutatóközpont a PTE korszerű, nemzetközi tudományszervezési és menedzsment normák szerint kialakított új intézménye, amely az élettudományi, élettelen természettudományi, valamint környezettudományi oktatás...




Jubilee Szentágothai Day


We cordially invite you to celebrate together the 10th anniversary of the Szentágothai Research Centre's opening on the 14th of November


08.30  Registration

09.00  Welcome

09.20  Prof. Dr. Réthelyi Miklós: The hidden segment of János Szentágothai’s research activity (The Great Blue Hardback)

09.40  Prof. Dr. Kovács L. Gábor: The first decade in nutshell

10.00  Prof. Dr. Jakab Ferenc: The centre of excellence laboratories of the Szentágothai Research Centre as a national node under the pressure of COVID

10.20  Presentation of Szentágothai Awards

10.30  Lecture of the junior Szentágothai Awardee

10.50  Lecture of the Szentágothai Awardee

11.10 Prof. Dr. István Katona: Nanoscale integration of functional anatomy and pharmacology by super-resolution imaging

11.55  Naming ceremony of the lecture halls (Sümegi Balázs lecture hall, Vermes István lecture hall)

12.30  Lunch

13.30  Translational Neuroscience Section (chair: Dr. István Hernádi)

          Prof. Dr. István Gyertyán: Smart rat, good rat - translational challenges in predicting the clinical efficacy of putative cognitive enhancer compounds 

          Prof. Dr. Ken-Ichiro Tsutsui: Inhibition of the ventral medial frontal cortex (vMFC) induces depression in nonhuman primates

          Prof. Dr. Norbert Kovács: Deep brain stimulation: a new insight to the human brain function

          roundtable discussion

14.45  Coffee break

15.00  Molecular Biomedicine Section (chair: Dr. Attila Gyenesei)

          Prof. Dr. Attila Patócs: Germline variants in cancer predisposition genes as diagnostic and therapeutical targets

          Prof. Dr. Mária Judit Molnár: From personalized to precision medicine

          Dr. Csaba Bödör: Genomic profiling in onco(hemato)logy - State of the art

          Dr. Béla Kajtár: Application of NGS in clinical practice at UPMS Pathology

          round table discussion

16.30  Coffee break

16.45  Clinical Drug Research Section (chair: Prof. Dr. Gábor L. Kovács)

          Prof. Dr. Jacques Demotes: New methodologies in clinical research: platform trials and personalised medicine 

          Prof. Dr. György Keserű: Emergency use of COVID antivirals in Hungary

          Dr. Zoltán Veréb: Cell therapy for the treatment of non-healing wounds

          roundtable discussion

18.00  Reception


The language of the program will be Hungarian in the morning sessions until 11.10 (with simultaneous translation for the foreign guests). However, the scientific program will be in English with no translation in the afternoon (from 13.30).

Registration is obligatory for participating in the conference, that can be filled in the following link.

14 November 2022, 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM