About us

A Szentágothai János Kutatóközpont a PTE korszerű, nemzetközi tudományszervezési és menedzsment normák szerint kialakított új intézménye, amely az élettudományi, élettelen természettudományi, valamint környezettudományi oktatás...




Multidisciplinary Medical and Engineering Cellular Bioimpedance Research Group

  • Research concept
  • Members
  • Publications
  • Awarded projects
  • R and D results
  • Laboratories, instruments
  • Galéria
  • Student awards
  • Videos

The research team's results focus on the application of novel bioimpedance-based technologies:

  • development, verification, modelling and validation of in vitro measurement cells with different dedicated electrode architectures (for spectroscopy and tomography applications),
  • identification (calibration and validation) of basic cell biological processes (proliferation, apoptosis, necrosis, hypertrophy, etc.) using bioimpedance measurements,
  • monitoring the mechanisms of action of chemotherapy using the above tools and results,
  • monitoring the mechanisms of action of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (steatosis and fat accumulation) by in vitro bioimpedance spectroscopy and by the above tools and results,
  • monitoring the response of bacterial cultures to different treatments using the above tools and results,
  • the use of microfluidic systems, with continuously optimized measurement set-ups, electrode configurations and even routine experiments on different cell lines and mouse embryos.

During our activities, the manufacturing properties (in particular reproducibility) and biocompatibility of our in vitro measuring cells will be verified, and in the first in vitro experiments using HepG2 cell lines, the development of steatosis will be monitored and the characteristics of fat accumulation will be correlated with the parameters obtained from bioimpedance measurements. Furthermore, the possibility to maintain bacterial cultures in our in vitro measuring cell in such a way that bioimpedance monitoring can be routinely performed on them will be investigated.
In addition, microfluidic systems are being designed to bring a new basis to our in vitro measurements. For these measuring chips, gold and platinum electrode configurations in different geometries are developed. Moreover, their metrological, biocompatibility and mechanical properties are being investigated. Of course, the behaviour of microfluidic chips is modelled using finite element and a mathematical method developed by the group.

Collaborating partners:

NWM Consult Ltd.
PTE ÁOK Institute of Physiology
PTE MIK Symbolic Methods in Material Analysis and Tomography Research Group
PTE ÁOK Institute of Medical Microbiology and Immunology
HUN-REN Energy Research Centre Institute of Physics and Materials Engineering Microsystems Laboratory
HUN-REN Institute of Enzymology, Research Group Drug Resistance

Prof. Dr. Zoltán Karádi
professor emeritus
Prof. Dr. Mihály Klincsik
professor emeritus
Dr. Attila Tóth
assistant professor
Dr. Zoltán Sári
associate professor
Nina Győrfi
PhD student
Dr. Gergő Maczkó
PhD student
Flórián Kovács
PhD student

Noé Veress
PhD student

Vizvari Zoltan, Klincsik Mihaly, Odry Peter, Tadic Vladimir, Gyorfi Nina, Toth Attila, Sari Zoltan, Continuous Electrode Models and Application of Exact Schemes in Modeling of Electrical Impedance Measurements, ELECTRONICS (SWITZ) 13 : 1 Paper: 66 , 17 p. (2023)

Gyorfi Nina, Gal Adrian R., Fincsur Andras, Kalmar-Nagy Karoly, Mintal Kitti, Hormay Edina, Miseta Attila, Tornoczky Tamas, Nemeth Anita K., Bogner Peter, Kiss Tamas, Helyes Zsuzsanna, Sari Zoltán, Klincsik Mihaly, Tadic Vladimir, Lenard Laszlo, Vereczkei Andras, Karádi Zoltán, Vizvári Zoltan, Toth Attila, Novel Noninvasive Paraclinical Study Method for Investigation of Liver Diseases, BIOMEDICINES 11 : 9 Paper: 2449 , 21 p. (2023)

Vizvari Zoltan, Klincsik Mihaly, Odry Peter, Tadic Vladimir, Sari Zoltan, General Exact Schemes for Second-Order Linear Differential Equations Using the Concept of Local Green Functions, AXIOMS 12 : 7 Paper: 633 , 16 p. (2023)

Sari Zoltan, Klincsik Mihaly, Odry Peter, Tadic Vladimir, Toth Attila, Vízvári Zoltán, Lumped Element Method Based Conductivity Reconstruction Algorithm for Localization Using Symmetric Discrete Operators on Coarse Meshes, SYMMETRY (BASEL) 15 : 5 Paper: 1008 , 24 p. (2023)

Gyorfi Nina, Odry Akos, Karadi Zoltan, Odry Peter, Szakall Tibor, Kuljic Bojan, Toth Attila, Vizvári Zoltán, Development of Bioimpedance-based Measuring Systems for Diagnosis of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, 15th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics SACI 2021, Budapest, Magyarország, Piscataway (NJ), Amerikai Egyesült Államok : Óbudai Egyetem, IEEE (2021) 539 p. pp. 135-140. , 6 p.

Nadasdi Lili, Maczko Gergo, Gyorfi Nina, Tenzlinger Kristof, Odry Akos, Odry Peter, Szechenyi Aleksandar, Karadi Zoltan, Pal Jozsef, Toth Attila, Vizvári Zoltán, Preparation and Validation of Self-developed Bioimpedance Electrode Array for Measurement of Tumor Cells, 15th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics SACI 2021, Budapest, Magyarország, Piscataway (NJ), Amerikai Egyesült Államok : Óbudai Egyetem, IEEE (2021) 539 p. pp. 000129-000134. , 6 p.

Toth Attila, Ruzsics Istvan, Helyes Zsuzsanna, Cseko Kata, Varga Janos, Fekete Andrea, Cserjesi Renata, Vizvári Zoltán, Investigation of a bioimpedance-based measurement method of diaphragmatic muscle movements during respiratory characteristics, 15th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics SACI 2021, Budapest, Magyarország, Piscataway (NJ), Amerikai Egyesült Államok : Óbudai Egyetem, IEEE (2021) 539 p. pp. 123-128. , 6 p.

Vizvari Zoltán, Győrfi Nina, Mintal Kitti, Karádi Zoltán, Tóth Attila, Sári Zoltán, Odry Péter, Eigner György, Kovács Levente, Léner Violetta, Hámori Lilla, Füredi András, Development of non-invasive, bioimpedance-based measuring device for primary tumor detection, 21th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI 2021), Piscataway (NJ), Amerikai Egyesült Államok : IEEE (2021) 273 p. pp. 205-210. , 6 p.

Vizvári Zoltán, Klincsik Mihály, Sári Zoltán, Odry Péter, Lumped Element Method: A Discrete Calculus Approach for Solving Elliptic and Parabolic PDEs, ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA 18 : 7 pp. 201-223. , 23 p. (2021)

Vizvari Zoltan, Sari Zoltan, Klincsik Mihaly, Odry Peter, Exact schemes for second-order linear differential equations in self-adjoint cases, ADVANCES IN DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS 2020 : 1 Paper: 497, 16 p. (2020)
Vizvari Zoltan, Gyorfi Nina, Odry Akos, Sari Zoltan, Klincsik Mihaly, Gergics Marin, Kovacs Levente, Kovacs Anita, Pal Jozsef, Karadi Zoltan, Odry Peter, Tóth Attila, Physical Validation of a Residual Impedance Rejection Method during Ultra-Low Frequency Bio-Impedance Spectral Measurements, SENSORS 20 : 17 Paper: 4686 , 20 p. (2020)

Other publications:

Zoltán Ákos Vizvári, Development of mathematical and measurement methods for electrical impedance based techniques, Óbuda University, Doctoral School of Applied Informatics and Applied Mathematics, Péter Odry Year of submission of dissertation: 2022, Year of defence: 2022 Year of publication/PhD: 2022

Attila Tóth (Editor), Zoltán Vizvári (Editor), Biomedical questions - multidisciplinary, bioimpedance-based answers: a collection of publications of the PTE Metabolism and Bioimpedance Research Group, conference proceedings, Pécs, Hungary : University of Pécs (2022), ISBN: 9789634299349


Dr. Vizvári Zoltán Ákos, Development of new, in vitro, Lab-on-a-Chip bioimpedance measurement cells, 011_2023_PTE_RK/4
Dr. Tóth Attila, Bioimpedance-based characterization of NAFLD/NASH development, cellular characteristics for drug development, 009-2023-PTE-RK/27
Győrfi Nina, In vitro bioimpedance-based study of NAFLD, Academic support program

Previous projects:

Higher Education Institutional Excellence Programme (20765-3/2018/FEKUTSTRAT)
Thematic Excellence Programme 2019 (TUDFO/51757-1/2019-ITMA)
"Development of scientific workshops in the training of doctors, health sciences and pharmacists" (EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00009)
"Comprehensive developments at the University of Pécs for the implementation of smart specialisation" (EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-2016-00004)

The activities of the research team are based on the following patented technologies:

PCT (i.e. international) application; application number PCT/HU2016/050062: the following regional/national stages of the application have been initiated:
EUROPEAN REGIONAL application; application number: EP1689383: according to the notification of the European Patent Office, the publication of the grant decision was published in the European Patent Bulletin on 17 June 2020
US application; application number 16/062,319: national patent granted on 30.06.2020, registration number 10,699,446.
JAPAN application; application number: 2018-531076: patent pending, Japanese patent No 6791966 granted on 09.11.2020.
CANADA application; application number 3,007,977: patent pending.
PTE-internal know-how application: assessment of obesity and fatty liver disease by bioimpedance measurement, 21.07.2017.

The activities of our research group are based on a self-developed bioimpedance (BI) measurement technology. An implementation of this technology is represented by the following instruments with the following characteristics and technical parameters:

  • Generator signal waveform: low distortion monochromatic sine wave (minimum 100 dB THD) for a voltage generator with a distortion of 1.5 µVrms over the full operating frequency range (1 mHz to 100 kHz).
  • Voltage generator amplitude: minimum 1 µV - 1 V peak to peak amplitude
  • Recorded measurement result: Transfer function (attenuation and phase angle),
  • Dynamic range: min. 160 dB
  • Measurement accuracy: <1 ppm (0.0001%) attenuation and <±0.001° phase angle
  • Measurement resolution: DOUBLE PRECISION (IEEE.754 64-bit DOUBLE PRECISION standard)
  • Input AD conversion, Generator DA conversion: 32 bit up to 200kHz cut-off frequency
  • Software: Jawa-based, Measurement functions: Fouier spectrum measurement (over the full frequency range), Frequency sweep, Transfer function measurement over the full frequency range with a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 33 frequency points per decade
  • Operating frequency range: 1 mHz - 100 kHz 
  • Measuring unit number of channels: 4 (four)
  • Battery time: equipped with Li-ion batteries, optimized for a minimum of 6.5 h continuous operating time

The Research Group is located in the SzKK laboratory B216. The research team uses the following tools to carry out its research:
1 multigas incubator
1 biosafety cabinet
2 four-channel bioimpedance meters
1 manual bioimpedance meter

Four-channel bioimpedance meter

Manual bioimpedance meter

Student achievements and results:

Lili Nádasdi: Selective enhancement of the therapeutic sensitivity of tumour cells using electric field
Student Research Conference of the University of Pécs Medical School and of the Faculty of Pharmacy (Pécs, 2022), local round, III. place

Dr. Vizvári Zoltán
Research Group Leader