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A Szentágothai János Kutatóközpont a PTE korszerű, nemzetközi tudományszervezési és menedzsment normák szerint kialakított új intézménye, amely az élettudományi, élettelen természettudományi, valamint környezettudományi oktatás...



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Translational Neuroscience Research Group

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The Translational Neuroscience Research Group was establish by István Hernádi, PhD in 2012 at the University of Pécs. The research group develops preclinical models of neurocognitive disorders in four laboratories:

1. Small animal behavior laboratory: general activity, open field test, elevated plus maze test, forced swim test, food-choice tests, computer controlled operant behavioral chambers, neurotoxic brain lesions, reversible brain inactivation, central/systemic administration of bioactive agents.

2. In vivo cellular laboratory: extracellular unit recording, stereotaxic apparatus, biollogical signal conditioning (amplifiers,filters, ADCs, measurement of voltage and current), constant current ganerators (for microiontophoresis).

3. NHP research laboratory at the Grastyán Endre Translational Research Centre

4. Human psychophysiology laboratory: high performance 32 channel biological amplifier (EEG, EMG, ECG, EOG), computer controlled behavioral apparatus. Current research 1) basic: neurophysiology of face perception; 2) applied: neurocognitve effects of non-ionising environmental electromagnetic fields.

The research group is dedicated to basic and applied research in systems neuroscience. We aim to adopt and further develop in vivo animal and human models of higher order mammalian brain function with special emphasis on searching functional biomarkers of pathological mechanisms related to neurodegenerative brain disorders, esp. Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia and developmental spectrum disorders. The four laboratories provide a unique repertoire of technical tools for targeting multidisciplinary research within the same research group. Our main objective is to support the need of parallel comprehensive testing of novel drug-candidates against cognitive impairment in in vivo preclinical animal experiments and human studies.

Dr. Zsolt Bali
research fellow
Dr. Balázs Knakker
research fellow
Evelin Kiefer
administrator expert
Nikoletta Máténé Nagy
Judit Zubánné Inkeller
assistant research fellow
Lili Veronika Nagy
PhD student
Nóra Bruszt
PhD student
Anna Padányi
PhD student
Antionetta Kovács
laboratory assistant
Rafaella Riszt

Csaba Bérces
animal care worker
  1. Bruszt N, Bali ZK, Tadepalli SA, Nagy LV, Hernádi I. Potentiation of cognitive enhancer effects of Alzheimer's disease medication memantine by alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist PHA-543613 in the Morris water maze task. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2021 Aug 13. doi: 10.1007/s00213-021-05942-4. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34387707.
  2. Matuz A, van der Linden D, Kisander Z, Hernádi I, Kázmér K, Csathó Á. Enhanced cardiac vagal tone in mental fatigue: Analysis of heart rate variability in Time-on-Task, recovery, and reactivity. PLoS One. 2021 Mar 3;16(3):e0238670. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0238670. PMID: 33657124; PMCID: PMC7928498.
  3. Oláh, Vilmos & Knakker, Balázs & Trunk, Attila & Balázs, Lendvai & Lévai, György & Hernádi, István. (2020). Delay-dependent cholinergic modulation of visual short-term memory in rhesus macaques. 10.1101/2020.04.08.031377.
  4. Lili Veronika Nagy, Zsolt Kristóf Bali, Gábor Kapus, Péter Pelsőczi, Bence Farkas, Balázs Lendvai, György Lévay, István Hernádi, Converging Evidence on D-Amino Acid Oxidase–Dependent Enhancement of Hippocampal Firing Activity and Passive Avoidance Learning in Rats, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2021, Pages 434–445,
  5. Oláh, V., Knakker, B., Trunk, A., Lendvai, B., & Hernádi, I. (2020). Dissociating cholinergic influence on alertness and temporal attention in primates in a simple reaction time paradigm. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE. http://doi.org/10.1111/ejn.14852
  6. Nagy, S. A., Vranesics, A., Varga, Z., Csabai, D., Bruszt, N., Bali, Z. K., … Czéh, B. (2020). Stress-Induced Microstructural Alterations Correlate With the Cognitive Performance of Rats: A Longitudinal in vivo Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study. FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE14. http://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2020.00474
  7. Tadepalli, S. A., Bali, Z. K., Bruszt, N., Nagy, L. V., Amrein, K., Fazekas, B., … Hernádi, I. (2020). Long-term cognitive impairment without diffuse axonal injury following repetitive mild traumatic brain injury in rats. BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH378. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2019.112268
  8. Szarka, N., Toth, L., Czigler, A., Kellermayer, Z., Ungvari, Z., Amrein, K., … Toth, P. (2019). Single Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Induces Persistent Disruption of the Blood-Brain Barrier, Neuroinflammation and Cognitive Decline in Hypertensive Rats. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES20(13). http://doi.org/10.3390/ijms20133223
  9. Bali, Z. K., Nagy, L. V., Budai, D., & Hernádi, I. (2019). Facilitation and inhibition of firing activity and N-methyl-D-aspartate-evoked responses of CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cells by alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor selective compounds in vivo. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS9(1). http://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-45796-7
  10. Bali, Z. K., Bruszt, N., Tadepalli, S. A., Csurgyók, R., Nagy, L. V., Tompa, M., & Hernádi, I. (2019). Cognitive Enhancer Effects of Low Memantine Doses Are Facilitated by an Alpha7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Agonist in Scopolamine-Induced Amnesia in Rats. FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY10. http://doi.org/10.3389/fphar.2019.00073
  11. Kamm, K., Pomschar, A., Ruscheweyh, R., Straube, A., Reiser, M., Hernadi, I., … Ertl-Wagner, B. (2019). Static magnetic field-exposure in 1.5 and 3 Tesla MR scanners does not influence pain and touch perception in healthy volunteers. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PAIN23(2), 250–259. http://doi.org/10.1002/ejp.1299
  12. Vecsei, Z., Knakker, B., Juhász, P., Thuróczy, G., Trunk, A., & Hernádi, I. (2018). Short-term radiofrequency exposure from new generation mobile phones reduces EEG alpha power with no effects on cognitive performance. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS8(1). http://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-36353-9
  13. Vecsei, Z., Thuroczy, G., & Hernadi, I. (2018). The Effect of a Single 30-Min Long Term Evolution Mobile Phone-Like Exposure on Thermal Pain Threshold of Young Healthy Volunteers. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH15(9). http://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15091849
  14. Budai, D., Vizvári, A. D., Bali, Z. K., Márki, B., Nagy, L. V., Kónya, Z., … Hernádi, I. (2018). A novel carbon tipped single micro-optrode for combined optogenetics and electrophysiology. PLOS ONE13(3). http://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0193836
  15. Bali, Z., Nagy, L., & Hernadi, I. (2017). Alpha7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Play a Predominant Role in the Cholinergic Potentiation of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Evoked Firing Responses of Hippocampal CA1 Pyramidal Cells. FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR NEUROSCIENCE11. http://doi.org/10.3389/fncel.2017.00271
  16. Gellen, B., Volgyi, K., Gyorffy, B., Balogh, B., Darula, Z., Hunyadi-Gulyás, E., … Kekesi, K. (2017). Proteomic investigation of the prefrontal cortex in the rat clomipramine model of depression. JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS153, 53–64. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jprot.2016.06.027
  17. Grabenhorst, F., Hernadi, I., & Schultz, W. (2016). Primate amygdala neurons evaluate the progress of self-defined economic choice sequences. ELIFE5. http://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18731
  18. Fülöp, D., Czigler, A., Radó, J., Buzás, P., Trunk, A., Hernádi, I., & Jandó, G. (2016). Binokuláris mélységérzékelés vizsgálata 64 csatornás EEG-vel. In FAMÉ 2016.
  19. Zentai, N., Csathó, Á., Trunk, A., Fiocchi, S., Parazzini, M., Ravazzani, P., … Hernádi, I. (2015). No Effects of Acute Exposure to Wi-Fi Electromagnetic Fields on Spontaneous EEG Activity and Psychomotor Vigilance in Healthy Human Volunteers. RADIATION RESEARCH184(6), 568–577. http://doi.org/10.1667/RR13896.1
  20. Trunk, A., Stefanics, G., Zentai, N., Bacskay, I., Felinger, A., Thuroczy, G., & Hernadi, I. (2015). Effects of concurrent caffeine and mobile phone exposure on local target probability processing in the human brain. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS5(23). http://doi.org/10.1038/srep14434
  21. Oyama, K., Tateyama, Y., Hernadi, I., Tobler, P., Iijima, T., & Tsutsui, K. (2015). Discrete coding of stimulus value, reward expectation, and reward prediction error in the dorsal striatum. JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY114(5), 2600–2615. http://doi.org/10.1152/jn.00097.2015
  22. Zentai, N., Fiocchi, S., Parazzini, M., Trunk, A., Juhász, P., Ravazzani, P., … Thuróczy, G. (2015). Characterization and Evaluation of a Commercial WLAN System for Human Provocation Studies. BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL2015. http://doi.org/10.1155/2015/289152
  23. Hernadi, I., Grabenhorst, F., & Schultz, W. (2015). Planning activity for internally generated reward goals in monkey amygdala neurons. NATURE NEUROSCIENCE18(3), 461–469. http://doi.org/10.1038/nn.3925
  24. Bali, Z. K., Inkeller, J., Csurgyók, R., Bruszt, N., Horváth, H., & Hernádi, I. (2015). Differential effects of α7 nicotinic receptor agonist PHA-543613 on spatial memory performance of rats in two distinct pharmacological dementia models. BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH278(0), 404–410. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2014.10.030
  25. Bali, Z., Budai, D., & Hernádi, I. (2014). Separation of electrophysiologically distinct neuronal populations in the rat hippocampus for neuropharmacological testing under in vivo conditions. ACTA BIOLOGICA HUNGARICA (1983-2018)65(3), 241–251. http://doi.org/10.1556/ABiol.65.2014.3.1
  26. Trunk, A., Stefanics, G., Zentai, N., Bacskay, I., Felinger, A., Thuróczy, G., & Hernádi, I. (2014b). Lack of interaction between concurrent caffeine and mobile phone exposure on visual target detection: An ERP study. PHARMACOLOGY BIOCHEMISTRY AND BEHAVIOR124(0), 412–420. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.pbb.2014.07.011
  27. Kovács-Bálint, Z., Stefanics, G., Trunk, A., & Hernádi, I. (2014). Automatic detection of trustworthiness of the face: a visual mismatch negativity study. ACTA BIOLOGICA HUNGARICA (1983-2018)65(1), 1–12. http://doi.org/10.1556/ABiol.65.2014.1.1
  28. Vecsei, Z., Csathó, Á., Thuróczy, G., & Hernádi, I. (2013). Effect of a Single 30 min UMTS Mobile Phone-Like Exposure on the Thermal PainThreshold of Young Healthy Volunteers. BIOELECTROMAGNETICS34(7), 530–541. http://doi.org/10.1002/bem.21801
  29. Kovács, Z., Slézia, A., Bali, Z. K., Kovács, P., Dobolyi, Á., Szikra, T., … Juhász, G. (2013). Uridine modulates neuronal activity and inhibits spike-wave discharges of absence epileptic Long Evans and Wistar Albino Glaxo/Rijswijk rats. BRAIN RESEARCH BULLETIN97, 16–23. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.brainresbull.2013.05.009
  30. Csurgyók, R., Horváth, H., Kardos, P., Trunk, A., & Hernádi, I. (2013). The role of caffeine and adenosine receptors in a rodent model of impulsive behavior.
  31. Kovács-Bálint, Z., Bereczkei, T., & Hernádi, I. (2013). The telltale face: Possible mechanisms behind defector and cooperator recognition revealed by emotional facial expression metrics. BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY104(4), 563–576. http://doi.org/10.1111/bjop.12007
  32. Trunk, A., Stefanics, G., Zentai, N., Kovacs-Balint, Z., Thuroczy, G., & Hernadi, I. (2013). No effects of a single 3G UMTS mobile phone exposure on spontaneous EEG activity, ERP correlates, and automatic deviance detection. BIOELECTROMAGNETICS34(1), 31–42. http://doi.org/10.1002/bem.21740
  33. Trunk, A., Zentai, N., Stefanics, G., Bacskay, I., Felinger, A., Thuróczy, G., & Hernádi, I. (2012). Combined effects of caffeine and 3G mobile phone exposure on predictive coding in the human brain. In ERNI-HSF. Brain oscillations in health and disease (p. 1).
  34. Kardos, P., Csurgyók, R., Horváth, H., Trunk, A., & Hernádi, I. (2012). A novel approach in the pharmacology of impulsive behaviour in rats: the role of caffeine and A2A adenosine receptors.
  35. Kovács-Bálint, Z., Trunk, A., Stefanics, G., & Hernádi, I. (2012b). Processing of socio-economically relevant facial expressions as revealed by event-related brain potentials. IDEGGYOGYASZATI SZEMLE / CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE65(1.klsz.), 38.
  36. Grabenhorst, F., Hernádi, I., & Schultz, W. (2012). Prediction of economic choice by primate amygdala neurons. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA109(46), 18950–18955. http://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1212706109
  37. Ariansen, J., Heien, M., Hermans, A., Phillips, P., Hernadi, I., Bermudez, M., … Wightman, R. (2012). Monitoring extracellular pH, oxygen, and dopamine during reward delivery in the striatum of primates. FRONTIERS IN BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE6. http://doi.org/10.3389/fnbeh.2012.00036
  38. Kovacs, N., Hernadi, I., Deli, G., Bosnyak, E., Nagy, F., Balas, I., & Janszky, J. (2012). The impact of various cognitive tasks on the activity of subthalamic nuclei and upper limb tremor. MOVEMENT DISORDERS27(1), S414–S414.
  39. Csathó, Á., Van, D. L. D., Hernádi, I., Buzás, P., & Kalmár, G. (2012). Effects of mental fatigue on the capacity limits of visual attention. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY24(5), 511–524. http://doi.org/10.1080/20445911.2012.658039
  40. Uzsoki, B., Toth, M., & Hernadi, I. (2011). Novelty response of rats determines the effect of prefrontal alpha-2 adrenoceptor modulation on anxiety. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS499(3), 219–223. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2011.05.231
  41. Kardos, P., Trunk, A., & Hernádi, I. (2011). Evidence for the involvement of D2 dopaminergic receptors in the effect of caffeine on impulsive choice behavior in rats. FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE. http://doi.org/10.3389/conf.fnins.2011.84.00147
  42. Zentai, N., Trunk, A., Juhász, P., Stefanics, G., Thuroczy, G., & Hernádi, I. (2011). The effect of a single 60 minute Wi-Fi electromagnetic field exposure on spontaneous EEG activity of healthy human volunteers. FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE.
  43. Trunk, A., Stefanics, G., Zentai, N., Kovács-Bálint, Z., Thuroczy, G., & Hernádi, I. (2011). The effect of a single 30 minute long 3G EMF exposure on auditory evoked potentials, automatic deviance detection and spontaneous EEG (sEEG). FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE.
  44. Buki, A., Kovesdi, E., Bukovics, P., Kovacs, N., Czeiter, E., Tamas, A., … Hernadi, I. (2011). NEUROPROTECTION IN TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY. JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA28(5), A28–A28.
  45. Stefanics, G., Hangya, B., Hernadi, I., Winkler, I., Lakatos, P., & Ulbert, I. (2011). Phase Entrainment of Human Delta Oscillations Can Mediate the Effects of Expectation on Reaction Speed (October, pg 13578, 2010). JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE31(4), 1559–1559.
  46. Kovács-Bálint, Z., Csathó, Á., F László, J., Juhász, P., & Hernádi, I. (2011). Exposure to an inhomogeneous static magnetic field increases thermal pain threshold in healthy human volunteers. BIOELECTROMAGNETICS32(2), 131–139. http://doi.org/10.1002/bem.20622
  47. Molnár, P., Natarajan, A., Hernádi, I., & Hickman, J. (2010). Integration of living cells with electronics. First step towards personalized medicine, functional drug screening and bionic implants. FOLIA ANTHROPOLOGICA9, 69–74.
  48. Budai, D., Hernadi, I., Meszaros, B., Bali, Z., & Gulya, K. (2010). Electrochemical responses of carbon fiber microelectrodes to dopamine in vitro and in vivo. ACTA BIOLOGICA SZEGEDIENSIS54(2), 155–160.
  49. Trunk, A., Stefanics, G., Kovács-Bálint, Z., Thuroczy, G., & Hernádi, I. (2010a). The effect of 3G EMF exposure on auditory evoked potentials and automatic deviance detection: an EPR study. In IBRO International Workshop 2010. http://doi.org/10.3389/conf.fnins.2010.10.00171
  50. Stefanics, G., Trunk, A., Kovacs-Balint, Z., Thuroczy, G., & Hernadil, I. (2010). The effect of thirty-minute 3G mobile phone exposure on auditory evoked potentials and the MMN response. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY77(3), 327–328. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2010.06.255
  51. Oyama, K., Hernadi, I., Iijima, T., & Tsutsui, K.-I. (2010). Reward prediction error coding in striatal neurons. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH68(Supplement 1), e288–e289. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.neures.2010.07.1282
  52. Kovesdi, E., Bukovics, P., Besson, V., Nyiradi, J., Luckl, J., Pal, J., … Buki, A. (2010). A novel PARP inhibitor L-2286 in a rat model of impact acceleration head injury: An immunohistochemical and behavioral study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES11(4), 1253–1268. http://doi.org/10.3390/ijms11041253
  53. Oyama, K., Hernadi, I., Iijima, T., & Tsutsui, K. (2010). Reward prediction error coding in dorsal striatal neurons. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE30(34), 11447–11457. http://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1719-10.2010
  54. Parazzini, M., Lutman, M., Moulin, A., Barnel, C., Sliwinska-Kowalska, M., Zmyslony, M., … Ravazzani, P. (2010). Absence of short-term effects of UMTS exposure on the human auditory system. RADIATION RESEARCH173(1), 91–97. http://doi.org/10.1667/RR1870.1
  55. Stefanics, G., Hangya, B., Hernadi, I., Winkler, I., Lakatos, P., & Ulbert, I. (2010). Phase Entrainment of Human Delta Oscillations Can Mediate the Effects of Expectation on Reaction Speed. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE30(41), 13578–13585. http://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0703-10.2010
  56. Hernádi, I., Dénes, V., & Kovács-Bálint, Z. (2009). Fiziológiai gyakorlatok és mérések a pszichológiában.
  57. Kovács-Bálint, Z., Stefanics, G., & Hernádi, I. (2009). A csalódetekció fiziológiai hátterének humán vizsgálata.
  58. Csoknya, M., & Hernádi, I. (2009). Az emberi test felépítése és működése. Pécs: Pécsi Tudományegyetem Természettudományi Kar (PTE TTK).
  59. Oyama, K., Matsumura, Y., Hernadi, I., Iijima, T., & Tsutsui, K.-I. (2009). The effects of dopamine receptor antagonists on the activity of striatal neurons in rats during a probabilistic Pavlovian conditioning task. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH65(Supplement 1), S234–S234. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.neures.2009.09.1319
  60. Z, K.-B., Á, C., O, P., J, L., & I, H. (2009). Effects of inhomogeneous static magnetic field on human thermal pain threshold. In Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. http://doi.org/10.3389/conf.neuro.01.2009.04.233
  61. Gyetvai, G., Nagy, L., Ivaska, A., Hernadi, I., & Nagy, G. (2009). Solid Contact Micropipette Ion Selective Electrode II: Potassium Electrode for SECM and In Vivo Applications. ELECTROANALYSIS21(17–18), 1970–1976. http://doi.org/10.1002/elan.200904617
  62. Stefanics, G., Ulbert, I., Winkler, I., & Hernádi, I. (2008). Attention modulates human delta EEG oscillations. FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE2008. http://doi.org/10.3389/conf.neuro.09.2009.01.112
  63. Stefanics, G., Thuróczy, G., Kellényi, L., & Hernádi, I. (2008). Effects of twenty-minute 3G mobile phone irradiation on event related potential components and early gamma synchronization in auditory oddball paradigm. NEUROSCIENCE157(2), 453–462. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroscience.2008.08.066
  64. Kovesdi, E., Bohner, K., Bukovics, P., Farkas, O., Uzsoki, B., Czeiter, E., … Buki, A. (2007). Behavioral monitoring after different severity of traumatic brain injury using a rat model of impact acceleration. IDEGGYOGYASZATI SZEMLE / CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE60(S1), 37.
  65. Stefanics, G., Kellényi, L., Molnár, F., Kubinyi, G., Thuróczy, G., & Hernádi, I. (2007). Short GSM mobile phone exposure does not alter human auditory brainstem response. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH7(1). http://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-7-325
  66. Atlasz, T., Kellényi, L., Kovács, P., Thuróczy, G., Ajtay, Z., Hejjel, L., … Hernádi, I. (2006a). The effects of GSM mobile phones on heart rate and heart rate variability in young adults. IDEGGYOGYASZATI SZEMLE / CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE59(Suppl. 1.), 7–7.
  67. Kovács, P., Hernádi, I., & Wilhelm, M. (2006). Mast cells modulate maintained neuronal activity in the thalamus in vivo. JOURNAL OF NEUROIMMUNOLOGY171(1–2), 1–7. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneuroim.2005.07.026
  68. Uzsoki, B., Kovács, L., Tóth, M., Vas, G., & Hernádi, I. (2006). The effect of prefrontaly applied guanfacine on the anxienty of rats with different response to novelti an elevated plus maze study.
  69. Uzsoki, B., Tóth, M., Vas, G., Kovács, L., Atlasz, T., & Hernádi, I. (2006). Patkányok idegenkörnyezetre adott válaszai meghatározzák az alfa-2A noradrenerg receptor agonista guanfacie magatartási hatásait.
  70. Boglárka, U., Mónika, T., László, K., Gábor, V., Tamás, A., & István, H. (2006). Reverse effects of the alpha-2A adrenoceptor agonist guanfacine on rats with different response to novelty.
  71. Atlasz, T., Kőszegi, Z., Babai, N., Tamás, A., Reglődi, D., Kovács, P., … Gábriel, R. (2006). Microiontophoretically applied PACAP blocks excitatory effects of Kainic acid in Vivo. ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES1070, 143–148. http://doi.org/10.1196/annals.1317.002
  72. Atlasz, T., Kelényi, L., Kovács, P., Babai, N., Thuroczy, G., Hejjel, L., & Hernádi, I. (2006). The application of surface plethysmography for heart rate variability analysis after GSM radiofrequency exposure. JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL METHODS69(1–2), 233–236. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbbm.2006.03.017
  73. Kőszegi, Z., Kovács, P., Wilhelm, M., Atlasz, T., Babai, N., Kállai, V., & Hernádi, I. (2006). The application of in vivo microiontophoresis for the investigation of mast cell-neuron interactions in the rat brain. JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL METHODS69(1–2), 227–231. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbbm.2006.03.009
  74. Kovács, P., & Hernádi, I. (2006). Yohimbine acts as a putative in vivo alpha2A/D-antagonist int he rat prefrontal cortex. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS402(3), 253–258. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2006.04.011
  75. Kovacs, P., Koszegi, Z., Atlasz, T., Hernadi, I., & Wilhelm, M. (2005). Theeffectsof GSMmobilephoneson theheartpressure, heartrate, and heartrate variability in young adults.
  76. Tsutsui, K., Kobayashi, S., Hernádi, I., & Schultz, W. (2005). ctivity of neurons in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during a free-choice task with probabilistic outcome.
  77. Hernádi, I., Tsutsui, K., & Schultz, W. (2005). The role of primate amygdala in self-controlled choice behavior.
  78. Uzsoki, B., Kovács, P., & Hernádi, I. (2005). The role of prelimbic cortex in attention to non-target stimuli in visual discrimination paradigm - an in vivo pharmacological study.
  79. Atlasz, T., Kovács, P., Kellényi, L., Thuróczy, G., Ajtay, Z., Hejjel, L., … Hernádi, I. (2005). The effects of GSM mobile phones on the heart pressure, heart rate, and heart rate variability in young adults.
  80. Kellényi, L., Kovács, P., Atlasz, T., Thuróczy, G., Ajtay, Z., Hejjel, L., & Hernádi, I. (2005b). The effects of GSM mobile phones on the autonomic regulation of the heartin young adults.
  81. Kovács, P., Atlasz, T., Kőszegi, Z., Kállai, V., Molnár, D., Hernádi, I., & Wilhelm, M. (2005). Changing estrogen level modifies mast cell-neuron interactions in the rat thalamus.
  82. Rolls, E. T., Browning, A. S., Inoue, K., & Hernadi, I. (2005). Novel visual stimuli activate a population of neurons in the primate orbitofrontal cortex. NEUROBIOLOGY OF LEARNING AND MEMORY84(2), 111–123. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.nlm.2005.05.003
  83. Stefanics, G., Stavrinou, M., Sestieri, C., Ciancetta, L., Belardinelli, P., Cianflone, F., … Romani, G. (2005). Cross-modal visual-auditory-somatosensory integration in a multimodal object recognition task in humans. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS SERIES1278, 163–166. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ics.2004.11.074
  84. Kovacs, P., Denes, V., Kellenyi, L., & Hernadi, I. (2005). Microiontophoresis electrode location by neurohistological marking: Comparison of four native dyes applied from current balancing electrode channels. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL AND TOXICOLOGICAL METHODS51, 147–151. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.vascn.2004.08.002
  85. Ajtay, Z., Kellényi, L., Solymos, A., Jakab, A., Stefanics, G., Hejjel, L., … Hernádi, I. (2004b). Nyitott szívműtétek során elszenvedett agykárosodás vizsgálata eseményfüggő kiváltott válaszok (reakcióidő) elemzésével. CARDIOLOGIA HUNGARICA34.
  86. Hernádi, I., Tsutsui, K., & Schultz, W. (2004b). Differential contribution of primate prefrontal subregions in higher order reward schedules.
  87. Hernádi, I., Tsutsui, K., & Schultz, W. (2004a). Decision making of primates in higher order choice schedules.
  88. Kovacs, P., Atlasz, T., & Hernadi, I. (2004). The action of alpha-2 adrenergic agents on the firing properties of prefrontal cortical neurons in the rat in vivo: a combined electrochemical and electrophysiological study.
  89. Ajtay, Z., Kellényi, L., Solymos, A., Jakab, A., Stefanics, G., Hejjel, L., … Hernádi, I. (2004a). Assessement of open heart surgery-releated brain injury by event-dependent evoked responses (reaction time).
  90. Stefanics, G., Jakab, A., Bernath, L., Kellenyi, L., & Hernadi, I. (2004). EEG early evoked gamma-band synchronization reflects object recognition in visual oddball tasks. BRAIN TOPOGRAPHY16(4), 261–264. http://doi.org/10.1023/B:BRAT.0000032862.38122.b6
  91. Hernadi, I. (2003a). A neuroelektromos jelek számítógépes feldolgozása. In Neurobiológia (pp. 291–302).
  92. Hernadi, I. (2003b). A neuron elektromos sajátságai. In Neurobiológia (pp. 49–67).
  93. Hernádi, I., Tilinger, E., Kovács, P., Uzsoki, B., & Ken-ichiro, T. (2003). Temporal dynamics of instrumental responses for liquid reward after combined amygdala or orbitofrontal cortex lesions in the rat.
  94. Stefanics, G., Zénó, A., Kellényi, L., Solymos, A., Jakab, A., Kovács, P., … Hernádi, I. (2003). Humán kognitív folyamatok vizsgálata P300 és reakcióidő elemzésével, szívműtétek során fellépő kognitív változások követésére.
  95. Kellényi, L., Kovács, P., Thuróczy, G., & Hernádi, I. (2003). New technical solution for elimination of electromagnetic artifacts emitted by GSM mobile phones in electrophysiological recordings.
  96. Kovács, P., Hernádi, I., Kellényi, L., & Thuróczy, G. (2003). 900 MHz electromagnetic irradiation alters spontaneous neural activity in the rodent prefrontal cortex.
  97. Stefanics, G., Hernádi, I., Bernáth, L., & Jakab, A. (2003). Recognizing random plot stereograms induces 35-40 Hz synchronisation and changes correlation dimension in ERP recordings.
  98. Atlasz, T., Babai, N., Uzsoki, B., Kovács, P., & Hernádi, I. (2003). Yohimbine acts as a specific presynaptic alfa-2A/D noradrenergic antagonist: behavioral and electrophysiological experiments.
  99. Kellényi, L., Thuróczy, G., Kovács, P., & Hernádi, I. (2003). Better technical solution for elimination of 217 Hz electromagnetic artefacts generated by GSM mobile phones from EEG and MUA electrophysiological recordings.
  100. Kellényi, L., Hernádi, I., Kovács, P., Thuróczy, G., Faludi, B., Varga, Z., & Lénárd, L. (2003). GSM mobiltelefonok elektromágneses sugárzásának hatása a hallórendszerre, P300-as kognitív kiváltott válaszra, az (RT) reakcióidőre és a neuronális aktivitásra. In Környezeti ártalmak és a légzőrendszer (pp. 169–192).
  101. Kovacs, P., & Hernadi, I. (2003). Alpha2 antagonist yohimbine suppresses maintained firing of rat prefrontal neurons in vivo. NEUROREPORT14, 833–836. http://doi.org/10.1097/01.wnr.0000068898.39523.a5
  102. Hernádi, I., Kovács, P., Veisenberger, E., & Lénárd, L. (2002). Prefrontal cortical correlates of saccharin reinforced learning behavior in the rat. In Memory and Emotion. Series on Biophysics and Biocybernetics. Vol. 12. World Scientific, London (pp. 246–249).
  103. Szabo, I., Mathe, K., Toth, A., Hernadi, I., & Czurko, A. (2002). The application of elastomeric connector for multi-channel electrophysiological recordings. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE METHODS114(1), 73–79. http://doi.org/10.1016/S0165-0270(01)00515-5
  104. Szekely, M., Petervari, E., Balasko, M., Hernadi, I., & Uzsoki, B. (2002). Effects of orexins on energy balance and thermoregulation. REGULATORY PEPTIDES104(1–3), 47–53. http://doi.org/10.1016/S0167-0115(01)00348-2
  105. Kovács, P., & Hernádi, I. (2002). Interaction of Li+ with noradrenergic receptors mediate maintained firing rate of prefrontal neurons: an iontophoretic study.
  106. Uzsoki, B., Kovács, P., & Hernádi, I. (2002). The NA-ergic alpha-2 antagonist yohimbine modulates behavioral correlates of attention and alerting to non-target stimuli in visual discrimination task.
  107. Kovács, P., Babai, N., & Hernádi, I. (2002). NA-ergic receptors mediate the action of lithium on prefrontal neurons of the rat.
  108. Kovacs, P., & Hernadi, I. (2002). Iontophoresis of lithium antagonizes noradrenergic action on prefrontal neurons of the rat. BRAIN RESEARCH947(1), 150–156. http://doi.org/10.1016/S0006-8993(02)03150-5
  109. Hernádi, I., Kovács, P., Veisenberger, E., & Lénárd, L. (2002). Prefrontal cortical correlates of saccharin reinforced learning behavior in the rat. In Memory and Emotion. Series on Biophysics and Biocybernetics. Vol. 12. World Scientific, London (pp. 331–334).
  110. Hernádi, I., Tilinger, É., & Kovács, P. (2001). A prefrontális kéreg és az amygdala kapcsolatának szerepe a cél-vezérelt tanulási folyamatokban patkányban.
  111. Hernadi, I. (2001). GSM rádiótelefonok RF sugárzásának hatása a reakcióidőre és a spontán egysejt-tevékenységre.
  112. Hernádi, I., Kellényi, L., Thuróczy, G., & Nagy, K. (2001). Effects of GSM cellular phone irradiation on spontaeous neural firing and reaction time in the rat.
  113. Kovács, P., & Hernádi, I. (2001). Li+ antagonizes suppressed firing elicited by norepinephine in the prefrontal cortex of the rat.
  114. Kovács, N., Rausch, P., Hernádi, I., Kellényi, L., & Nagy, F. (2001). Tremorok elektrofiziológiai vizsgálata. IDEGGYOGYASZATI SZEMLE / CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE54(7–8), 238–242.
  115. Kellényi, L., Hernádi, I., Thuróczy, G., Faludi, B., Varga, Z., & Lénárd, L. (2001). Rádiótelefonok elektromágneses sugárzásának hatása a hallórendszerre, a reakcióidőre, a kognitív kiváltott potenciálra, valamint a neuronális aktivitásra. In Tanulás, kezdeményezés, alkotás (pp. 214–231).
  116. Hernádi, I., Niedetzky, C., Veisenberger, E., & Kovács, P. (2000). Changes of neural activity in the prefrontal cortex during incentive learning in the rat.
  117. Kovács, P., VeisenbergerE, & Hernádi, I. (2000). The role of prelimbic cortex in goal directed behavior.
  118. Hernádi, I., Karádi, Z., Vígh, J., Petykó, Z., Egyed, R., Berta, B., & Lénárd, L. (2000). Alterations of conditioned taste aversion after microiontophoretically applied neurotoxins in the medial prefrontal cortex of the rat. BRAIN RESEARCH BULLETIN53(6), 751–758. http://doi.org/10.1016/S0361-9230(00)00361-0
  119. Vígh, J., Lénárd, L., Fekete, É., & Hernádi, I. (1999). Bombesin injection into the central amygdala influences feeding behavior in the rat. PEPTIDES20(4), 437–444. http://doi.org/10.1016/S0196-9781(99)00023-6
  120. Rolls, E., Critchley, H., Browning, A., Hernádi, I., & Lénárd, L. (1999). Responses to the sensory properties of fat of neurons in the primate orbitofrontal cortex. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE19(4), 1532–1540.
  121. Hernadi, I. (1998b). Érzőműködések (9. fejezet). In Összehasonlító Élettani Gyakorlatok (pp. 157–178).
  122. Hernadi, I. (1998a). Az izomműködés élettana (7. fejezet). In Összehasonlító Élettani Gyakorlatok (pp. 105–126).
  123. Rolls, E. T., Critchley, H. D., Browning, A., & Hernadi, I. (1998). The neurophysiology of taste and olfaction in primates, and umami flavor. ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES855, 426–437. http://doi.org/10.1111/j.1749-6632.1998.tb10602.x
  124. Hernádi, I., Karádi, Z., Faludi, B., & Lénárd, L. (1997). Disturbances of neophobia and taste aversion learning after bilateral kainate microlesions in the rat pallidum. BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE111(1), 137–146. http://doi.org/10.1037/0735-7044.111.1.137
  125. Karádi, Z., Hernádi, I., Varjú, G., Egyed, R., & Lénárd, L. (1996b). Microlesions of the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (OBF) alter feeding behavior in the rat. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCEl9(Suppl.), 136.
  126. Karádi, Z., Faludi, B., Hernádi, I., & Lénárd, L. (1995). Role of forebrain glucose-monitoring neurons in the central control of feeding: II. Complex functional attributes. NEUROBIOLOGY - BUDAPEST3(3–4), 241–256.
  • 2019-2021: Richter Gedeon Témapályázat: A pszichomotoros vigilancia teszt transzlációs célú alkalmazása magatartásfarmakológiai tesztelésre spontán öregedő patkányokban mint demencia modellben (K+F project)
  • 2018-2021: Nikotinos és NMDA-receptor-támadáspontú vegyületek szinergista hatásainak vizsgálata a neurokognitív zavarok preklinikai állatmodelljeiben. NKFIH (OTKA) K-129247
  • 2018-2021: Neurokognitív zavarok modellezése: preklinikai magatartás-farmakológiai vizsgálatok. Nemzeti Kiválósági Program Nemzeti Agykutatási Program (NAP 2.0) 2017-1.2.1-NKP -2017-00002
  • 2018-2020: A neuroinflammáció vizsgálata a neurodegeneratív folyamatokban: a molekulától a betegágyig: EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00008
  • 2018-2019: Az agy működésének és betegségeinek vizsgálata multidiszciplináris megközelítéssel: Felsőoktatási Intézményi Kiválósági Program: 20765-3/2018/FEKUTSTRAT
  • 2017-2019: Comprehensive Development for Implementing Smart Specialization Strategies at the University of Pécs. EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00004
  • 2017-2018: Investigation of the effects of DAAO blocking agents impacts on the firing activity of hippocampal CA1 neurons in anaesthetised rats. Partner: Richter G. (K+F project)
  • 2017-2018: Morphological and functional mapping of non-human primates central nervous system with non-invasive magnetic imaging methods. Partner: Richter G. (K+F project)
  • 2016-2019: Bimodális kognitív interakciók érzékenysége a mentális fáradtságra NKFIH (OTKA) K-120012
  • 2016: Behavioral pharmacological investigations in an operant food intake paradigm in rhesus macaque monkeys. Partner: Richter G. (K+F project)
  • 2016: Behavioral pharmacological investigations in a delayed memory paradigm in rhesus macaque monkeys. Partner: Richter G. (K+F project)
  • 2015-2017: Nemzeti Agykutatási Program (NAP): Nemzetközi színvonalú kutatócsoporti háttér megteremtése és magas prediktív értékű főemlős modellek fejlesztése kognitív működések vizsgálatára
  • 2014-2017: Nemzeti Agykutatási Program (NAP): Új transzlációs stratégiák az öregedés és a demenciákkal összefüggő kolinergiás folyamatok vizsgálatára
  • 2014-2017: Neuroprotective mechanisms of non-classical estrogen-like signaling activators in basal forebrain cholinergic neurons: testing of novel compounds. OTKA K112807
  • 2013-2014: Új transzlációs idegtudományi központ létesítése főemlősökön történő vizsgálatok céljából. Partner: Richter G. (K+F project)
  • 2019-2021: Richter Gedeon Témapályázat: A pszichomotoros vigilancia teszt transzlációs célú alkalmazása magatartásfarmakológiai tesztelésre spontán öregedő patkányokban mint demencia modellben (K+F project)
  • 2017-2018: Investigation of the effects of DAAO blocking agents impacts on the firing activity of hippocampal CA1 neurons in anaesthetised rats. Partner: Richter G. (K+F project)
  • 2017-2018: Morphological and functional mapping of non-human primates central nervous system with non-invasive magnetic imaging methods. Partner: Richter G. (K+F project)
  • 2016: Behavioral pharmacological investigations in an operant food intake paradigm in rhesus macaque monkeys. Partner: Richter G. (K+F project)
  • 2016: Behavioral pharmacological investigations in a delayed memory paradigm in rhesus macaque monkeys. Partner: Richter G. (K+F project)
  • 2013-2014: Új transzlációs idegtudományi központ létesítése főemlősökön történő vizsgálatok céljából. Partner: Richter G. (K+F project)


  • Development of tools and equipment for microelectrophysiology (from 1995).
  • Microelectrode development and testing (from 2000)
  • Software development for electrophysiology (from 2006)
  • Behavioral testing apparatus for measurement of thermal pain threshold (2007-2009)

Applied systems neuroscience, drug development and validation

  • Development of novel testing techniques and methodology.
  • Development of novel equipment for testing.
  • Neurophysiological testing of bioactive environmental (chemical and electromagnetc) agents.
  • Research and development and formal education within the scope of the laboratory.

1. Small animal behavior laboratory (SZKK): 

  • Modified neurological severity score (mNSS)
  • Open field test

    Tadepalli, SA, Bali, ZK, Bruszt, N, Nagy, LV, Amrein, K, Fazekas, B, Büki, A, Czeiter, E, Hernádi, I (2020). Long-term cognitive impairment without diffuse axonal injury following repetitive mild traumatic brain injury in rats. Behav Brain Res 378:112268. doi:10.1016/j.bbr.2019.112268

  • Elevated Zero Maze (EOM)

    Bali, ZK, Bruszt, N, Kőszegi, Z, Nagy, LV, Atlasz, T, Kovács, P, Csupor, D, Csupor-Löffler, B, Hernádi, I (2022) Aconitum Alkaloid Songorine Exerts Potent Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid-A Receptor Agonist Action In Vivo and Effectively Decreases Anxiety without Adverse Sedative or Psychomotor Effects in the Rat. Pharmaceutics. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics14102067

  • Novel object recognition (NOR) test

    Tadepalli, SA, Bali, ZK, Bruszt, N, Nagy, LV, Amrein, K, Fazekas, B, Büki, A, Czeiter, E, Hernádi, I (2020). Long-term cognitive impairment without diffuse axonal injury following repetitive mild traumatic brain injury in rats. Behav Brain Res 378:112268. doi:10.1016/j.bbr.2019.112268

  • Morris water maze (MWM)

    Bruszt, N, Bali, ZK, Tadepalli, SA, Nagy, LV, Hernádi, I (2021) Potentiation of cognitive enhancer effects of Alzheimer’s disease medication memantine by alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist PHA-543613 in the Morris water maze task. Psychopharmacology. doi: 10.1007/s00213-021-05942-4

  • Psychomotor vigilance task (PVT)

    Bali, ZK, Nagy, LV, Bruszt, N, Bodó, K, Engelmann, P, Hernádi, Z, Göntér, K, Tadepalli, SA, Hernádi, I (2023) Increased brain cytokine level associated impairment of vigilance and memory in aged rats can be alleviated by alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist treatment. Geroscience: Official Journal Of The American Aging Association (Age). doi: 10.1007/s11357-023-01019-6

  • Spontaneous alternation test in a T-maze

    Bali ZK, Bruszt N, Tadepalli SA, Csurgyók R, Nagy LV, Tompa M, Hernádi I (2019). Cognitive enhancer effects of low memantine doses are facilitated by an alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist in scopolamine-induced amnesia in rats. Front Pharmacol 10:73. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2019.00073


2. In vivo cellular laboratory (TTK):

  • Stereotaxic surgery
  • Single neuron activity, EEG 
  • Micro-iontophoresis, cellular neurochemistry 
  • High speed voltammetry, detection of monoamines 


3. NHP research laboratory at the Grastyán Endre Translational Research Centre

  • CANTAB test aparátus
  • wireless EEG
  • Tobii eyetracker


4. Human psychophysiology laboratory (TTK):

  • high performance 32 channel biological amplifier (EEG, EMG, ECG, EOG)
  • computer controlled behavioral apparatus


Dr. István Hernádi
Research Group Leader
 +36 72 503607