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A Szentágothai János Kutatóközpont a PTE korszerű, nemzetközi tudományszervezési és menedzsment normák szerint kialakított új intézménye, amely az élettudományi, élettelen természettudományi, valamint környezettudományi oktatás...







  • Zeghbib, S.; Somogyi, B.A.; Zana, B.; Kemenesi, G.; Herczeg, R.; Derrar, F.; Jakab, F. The Algerian Chapter of SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: An Evolutionary, Genetic, and Epidemiological Prospect. Viruses 2021, 13, 1525. https://doi.org/10.3390/v13081525

  • Sawicka-Smiarowska,E.; Bondarczuk, K.; Bauer, W.; Niemira, M.; Szalkowska, A.; Raczkowska, J.; Kwasniewski, M.; Tarasiuk, E.; Dubatowka, M.; Lapinska, M.; et al. Gut Microbiome in Chronic Coronary Syndrome Patients. J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10,5074. https://doi.org/10.3390/ jcm10215074

  • Aczél, T., Körtési, T., Kun, J. et al. Identification of disease- and headache-specific mediators and pathways in migraine using blood transcriptomic and metabolomic analysisJ Headache Pain 22, 117 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s10194-021-01285-9 

  • Bauer W.; Gyenesei A.; Krętowski A. : Review: The Multifactorial Progression from the Islet Autoimmunity to Type 1 Diabetes in Children. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 202122(14), 7493; doi:10.3390/ijms22147493

  • Schvarcz, C.A.; Danics, L.; Krenács, T.; Viana, P.; Béres, R.; Vancsik, T.; Nagy, Á.; Gyenesei, A.; Kun, J.; Fonović, M.; Vidmar, R.; et al.: Repeated Modulated Electro‐Hyperthermia Induces a Prominent Local Stress Response and Growth Inhibition in Triple Negative Mouse Breast Cancer Isografts. Cancers 2021, 13, 1744. https://doi.org/10.3390/ cancers13071744

  • Kraboth, Z.; Kajtár, B.; Gálik, B.; Gyenesei, A.; Miseta, A.; Kalman, B. Involvement of the Catecholamine Pathway in Glioblastoma Development. Cells 2021, 10, 549. https://doi.org/10.3390/cells10030549
  • Szabo, D.; Sarszegi, Z.; Polgar, B.; Saghy, É.; Nemeth, A.; Reglodi, D.; Makkos, A.; Gorbe, A.; Helyes, Z.; Ferdinandy, P.; et al.: PACAP-38 in Acute ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction in Humans and Pigs: A Translational Study. International Journal of Moecular  Sciences 2021, 22, 2883. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms22062883 
  • Gombos K., Gálik B.,Kalács K.I., Gödöny K., Várnagy Á., Bódis J., Alpár D., Gyenesei A., Kovács. L.G. : NGS-based pipeline for routine non-invasive pre-implantation genetic assessment in IVF, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, 22, 2443  https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms22052443

  • Steffen PA, Altmutter C, Dworschak E, Junttila S, Gyenesei A, Zhu X, Kockmann T, Ringrose L.: The Trithorax group protein ASH1 requires a combination of BAH domain and AT hooks, but not the SET domain, for mitotic chromatin binding and survival. Chromosoma. 2021 Sep;130(2-3):215-234. doi: 10.1007/s00412-021-00762-z.
  • Garai K, Adam Z, Herczeg R, Banfai K, Gyebrovszki A, Gyenesei A, Pongracz JE, Wilhelm M, Kvell K.: Physical Activity as a Preventive Lifestyle Intervention Acts Through Specific Exosomal miRNA Species-Evidence From Human Short- and Long-Term Pilot Studies. Front Physiol. 2021 Aug 2;12:658218. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.658218
  • Tamás A, Tóth D, Pham D, Loibl C, Rendeki S, Csontos C, Rozanovic M, Bogár L, Polgár B, Németh J, Gyenesei A, Herczeg R, Szántó Z, Reglődi D.: Changes of pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) level in polytrauma patents in the early post-traumatic period. Peptides. 2021 Sep 1;146:170645. doi: 10.1016/j.peptides.2021.170645
  • Gombos K, Földi M, Kiss S, Herczeg R, Gyenesei A, Geiger L, Csabai D, Futács K, Nagy T, Miseta A, Somogyi BA, Hegyi P, Szentesi A.: Analysis of COVID-19-Related RT-qPCR Test Results in Hungary: Epidemiology, Diagnostics, and Clinical Outcome. Front. Med. 2021 Jan 26;7:625673. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2020.625673.
  • Tompa M, Kajtar B, Galik B, Gyenesei A, Kalman B.:  DNA methylation and protein expression of Wnt pathway markers in progressive glioblastoma. Pathol Res Pract. 2021 Apr 5;222:153429. doi: 10.1016/j.prp.2021.153429.
  • Balazs E, Galok-Olah Z, Galik B, Somogyvari F, Kalman J, Datki Zs. : External modulation of Rotimer exudate secretion in monogonantrotifers. Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety 220 Paper: 112399, 8p. (2021)
  • Bence Galik, Jonathan J.M. Landry, Joanna M. Kirkpatrick, Markus Hsi-Yang Fritz, Bianka Baying, Jonathon Blake, Bettina Haase, Paul G. Collier, Rajna Hercog, Dinko Pavlinic, Peggy Stolt-Bergner, Hüseyin Besir, Kim Remans, Attila Gyenesei, Vladimir Benes. Extensive OMICS resource for Sf21 and Tni cell lines. bioRxiv 2021.04.06.438574; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.04.06.438574
  • N Turić, M Temunović, I Szivák, R Herczeg, G Vignjević, Z Csabai: Importance of floodplains for water beetle diversity: a crucial habitat for the endangered beetle Graphoderus bilineatus in Southeastern Europe Biodiversity and Conservation 30 (6), 1781-1801
  • M Madai, G Horváth, R Herczeg, B Somogyi, B Zana, F Földes: Effectiveness Regarding Hantavirus Detection in Rodent Tissue Samples and Urine,Viruses 13 (4), 570
  • V Temesfői, R Herczeg, Z Lőcsei, K Sebestyén, Z Sebestyén, L Mangel: Should We Reconsider the Necessity of a Refinement of Prostate Cancer Risk Classification and Radiotherapy Treatment Strategy? Experiences from a Retrospective Analysis of Data. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (1), 110