About us

A Szentágothai János Kutatóközpont a PTE korszerű, nemzetközi tudományszervezési és menedzsment normák szerint kialakított új intézménye, amely az élettudományi, élettelen természettudományi, valamint környezettudományi oktatás...




Molecular Medicine Research Group

The goal of this long-term program is to promote the development of non-invasive diagnostic devices for the clinical care. Clinical diagnostics has entered a new era of miniaturization. Functional micro-laboratories have been developed on a microchip platform performing a broad range of analytical assays. Special interest is focused on devices for point-of-care analysis and life science (cell analysis), with future prospects towards personalized medicine.

One of our main scientific orientations is the non-invasive search for the molecular viability markers of in vitro fertilized embryos using the culture medium. In addition to the currently used morphological embryo viability assessment new parameters are required since embryos selected for transfer using visual diagnosis does not lead to successful delivery in the expected rate. The theoretical background of the patented technology is the measurement of a quantitative protein marker allowing the selection of the morphologically fit, however, functionally non-viable embryos. Our further goal is to develop a diagnostic POCT tool for clinical purposes. Also, the group focuses on structural and functional analysis of the nucleic acid content isolated from spent human embryonic culture media. Circulating cell-free DNA with both nuclear or mitochondrial origin and exosomal gene expression regulatory miRNAs get into the embryonic culture media either by active secretion or apoptotic destruction. Recognition of these molecular fractions in the culture media has generated an interest for their potential use as markers for genetic disorders. On-going projects involve the following research goals: 

•          to identify human aneuploidy-specific biomarkers by NGS sequencing techniques

•          viability prediction of the early embryo by qualitative and quantitative analysis of the genes involved in embryo development and metabolism (Zfp57, Dppa5a, Sirturin1, Sp1, Gata1, Gata2, Fgfr1, Glut3, Racgap1, Idb2 and  Per3 and the Clk)

•          Polymerase γ A gene, a major influencing factor of the embryonic mtDNA replication.

•          structural and quantitative analysis of exosomal mRNA and miRNA fractions       

In the case of serious systematic inflammation processes (sepsis) the use of personalized medicine is of vital importance to reliably evaluate the severity of the disease using biomarkers. Actin and gelsolin present in serum, the elevated level of orosomucoid in urine, or the quantification of serum total and free cortisol are all correlating with the severity of the patient’s condition. We also proved that the prognosis of the sepsis can be estimated by monitoring cortisol level during hospitalization.

In tumor diseases the in vitro invasivity of circulating tumor cells correlates with the severity of the disease and the metastatic potential of the tumor. The use of PoCT devices to detect and quantify circulating tumor cells helps to construct a personalized therapeutic strategy. Also the technology of 3D cell culturing is a potential model of cell-cell interactions, allowing the culturing of tumorous and healthy cells in the same matrix modeling in vivo circumstances. The technology is capable of examining the behavior and chemotherapic sensitivity of tumorous cells under circumstances similar to the human body.

Prof. Dr. József Bódis

Prof. Dr. Gábor Kovács L.
Doctor of Science
+36 72 501 500 / 29051
Dr. Tamás Kőszegi
+36 72 536001/31231
Dr. Ákos Várnagy
assistant lecturer

Krisztina Gödöny
laboratory researcher

Zsuzsanna Csizmadia
PhD student

Viktória Temesfői
assistant research fellow

Rita Jakabfi-Csepregi
PhD student

Dr. Zoltán Horváth-Szalai

Dr. Péter Kaltenecker
research fellow

Éva Tékus, Márk Váczi, Zoltán Horváth-Szalai, Andrea Ludány, Tamás Kőszegi, Márta Wilhelm. Plasma actin, gelsolin and orosomucoid levels after eccentric exercise. JOURNAL OF HUMAN KINETICS &: p. &. (2017)

Kustán Péter, Szirmay Balázs, Horváth-Szalai Zoltán, Ludány Andrea, Kovács Gábor L, Miseta Attila, Kőszegi Tamás, Mühl Diána. Urinary orosomucoid: a novel, early biomarker of sepsis with promising diagnostic performance. CLINICAL CHEMISTRY AND LABORATORY MEDICINE 55:(2) pp. 299-307. (2017)

Éva Brigitta Patay, Nikolett Sali, Tamás Kőszegi, Rita Csepregi, Viktória Lilla Balázs, Tibor Sebastian Németh, Tibor Németh, Nóra Papp. Antioxidant potential, tannin and polyphenol contents of seed and pericarp of three Coffea species. ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE 9:(4) pp. 366-371. (2016)

Horváth-Szalai Zoltán, Kustán Péter, Mühl Diána, Ludány Andrea, Bugyi Beáta, Kőszegi Tamás. Antagonistic sepsis markers: serum gelsolin and actin/gelsolin ratio. CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY &: p. &. (2016)

Kustán Péter, Szirmay Balázs, Horváth-Szalai Zoltán, Ludány Andrea, Lakatos Ágnes, Mühl Diána, Christensen Per Hjort, Miseta Attila, Kovács L Gábor, Kőszegi Tamás. Urinary orosomucoid: validation of an automated immune turbidimetric test and its possible clinical use. BIOCHEMIA MEDICA 26:(3) pp. 421-430. (2016)

Miklós Poór, Zita Zrínyi, Tamás Kőszegi. Structure related effects of flavonoid aglycones on cell cycle progression of HepG2 cells: Metabolic activation of fisetin and quercetin by catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT). BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY 83: pp. 998-1005. (2016)

Nikolett Sali, Sándor Nagy , Miklós Poór, Tamás Kőszegi. Multiparametric luminescent viability assay in toxicology models: a critical evaluation. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL AND TOXICOLOGICAL METHODS 79: pp. 45-54. (2016)

Tamás Kőszegi, Miklós Poór. Ochratoxin A: Molecular Interactions, Mechanisms of Toxicity and Prevention at the Molecular Level. TOXINS 8: Paper 111. 25 p. (2016)

Miklós Poór, Sándor Kunsági-Máté, Lajos Szente, Gergely Matisz, Györgyi Secenji, Zsuzsanna Czibulya, Tamás Kőszegi. Interaction of ochratoxin A with quaternary ammonium beta-cyclodextrin. FOOD CHEMISTRY 172: pp. 143-149. (2015)

Miklós Poór, Yin Li, Gergely Matisz, László Kiss, Sándor Kunsági-Máté, Tamás Kőszegi. Quantitation of species differences in albumin-ligand interactions for bovine, human and rat serum albumins using fluorescence spectroscopy: A test case with some Sudlow's site I ligands. JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE 145: pp. 767-773. (2014)

Yin Li, Zsuzsanna Czibulya, Miklós Poór, Sophie Lecomte, László Kiss, Etienne Harte, Tamás Kőszegi, Sándor Kunsági-Máté. Thermodynamic study of the effects of ethanol on the interaction of ochratoxin A with human serum albumin. JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE 148: pp. 18-25. (2014)

Miklós Poór, Mónika Kuzma, Gergely Matisz, Yin Li, Pál Perjési, Sándor Kunsági-Máté, Tamás Kőszegi. Further aspects of ochratoxin A – cation interactions: complex formation with zinc ions and a novel analytical application of ochratoxin A – magnesium interaction in the HPLC-FLD system. TOXINS (BASEL) 6:(4) pp. 1295-1307. (2014)

Miklós Poór, Yin Li, Sándor Kunsági-Máté, József Petrik, Sanda Vladimir-Knežević, Tamás Kőszegi. Molecular displacement of warfarin from human serum albumin by flavonoid aglycones. JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE142:pp. 122-127. (2013)

Miklós Poór, Sándor Kunsági-Máté, Zsuzsanna Czibulya, Yin Li, Beáta Peles-Lemli, József Petrik, Sanda Vladimir-Knežević,Tamás Kőszegi. Fluorescence spectroscopic investigation of competitive interactions between ochratoxin A and 13 drug molecules for binding to human serum albumin. LUMINESCENCE 28:(5) pp. 726-733. (2013)

Miklós Poór, Sándor Kunsági-Máté, Gergely Matisz, Yin Li, Zsuzsanna Czibulya, Beáta Peles-Lemli, Tamás Kőszegi. Interaction of alkali and alkaline earth ions with Ochratoxin A. JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE 135: pp. 276-280. (2013)

Miklós Poór, Yin Li, Sándor Kunsági-Máté, Zsófia Varga, Attila Hunyadi, Balázs Dankó, Fang-Rong Chang, Yang-Chang Wu, Tamás Kőszegi. Protoapigenone derivatives: albumin binding properties and effects on HepG2 cells. JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY 124: pp. 20-26. (2013)

Montskó G, Zrínyi Z, Janáky T, Szabó Z, Várnagy Á, Kovács GL, Bódis J. Noninvasive embryo viability assessment by quantitation of human haptoglobin alpha-1 fragment in the in vitro fertilization culture medium: an additional tool to increase success rate. FERTILITY AND STERILITY 103:(3) pp. 687-693. (2015)

Montskó G, Tarjányi Z, Mezősi E, Kovács GL. A validated method for measurement of serum total, serum free, and salivary cortisol, using high-performace liquid chromatography coupled with high-resolution ESI-TOF mass spectrometry. ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 406:(9-10) pp. 2333-2341. (2014)

Zita Tarjányi, Gergely Montskó, Péter Kenyeres, Zsolt Márton, Roland Hágendorn, Erna Gulyás, Orsolya Nemes, László Bajnok, Gábor L Kovács, Emese Mezősi. Free and total cortisol levels are useful prognostic markers in critically ill patients: a prospective observational study. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY 171:(6) pp. 751-759. (2014)

Montskó G, Zrínyi Z, Janáky T, Szabó Z, Várnagy Á, Kovács GL, Bódis J. Embryo viability assessment using biomarkers of the culture medium. EGÉSZSÉG-AKADÉMIA 5:(4) pp. 215-222. (2014)

Zrínyi Zita, Várnagy Ákos, Gödöny Krisztina, Montskó Gergely, Kovács L. Gábor, Bódis József. Visual and biochemical indicators of embryo viability during in vitro fertilization. EGÉSZSÉG-AKADÉMIA 5:(1) pp. 12-16. (2014)

Labadi A, Grassi ES, Gellen B, Kleinau G, Biebermann H, Ruzsa B, Gelmini G, Rideg O, Miseta A, Kovacs GL, Patocs A, Felszeghy E, Nagy EV, Mezosi E, Persani L. New variants in a Hungarian cohort reveal structural insights on TSH receptor maturation and signaling. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM in press (2015)

Rideg O, Gombos K, Miseta A, Kovács LG. A humán papillómavírus nem válogat. IME: INFORMATIKA ÉS MENEDZSMENT AZ EGÉSZSÉGÜGYBEN 13:(8) pp. 58-62. (2014)

Rideg O, Fekete Cs, Tóth Zs, Bihari Z, Nagy G, Várnagy Á, Bódis J, Kovács GL. Microsatellite analysis of the DNS-content of embryonal medium: opportunities and challenges. EGÉSZSÉG-AKADÉMIA 5:(4) pp. 235-246. (2014)

Czéh Boldizsár, Kalangyáné Varga Zsófia K, Henningsen Kim, Kovács Gábor L, Miseta Attila, Wiborg Ove. Chronic stress reduces the number of GABAergic interneurons in the adult rat hippocampus, dorsal-ventral and region specific differences. HIPPOCAMPUS 25:(3) pp. 393-405. (2015)

Kovács GL. Korai diagnosztika, prognosztika és szűrések a laboratóriumi diagnosztikában. MAGYAR BELORVOSI ARCHIVUM 68: pp. 81-84. (2015)

Bodis J, Peti AM, Sulyok E, Kovacs GL, Varnagy A. Serum and follicular fluid fetuin-A in women undergoing in vitro fertilization. CLINICAL CHEMISTRY AND LABORATORY MEDICINE 52:(9) pp. 1313-1318. (2014)

Bódis József, Papp Szilárd, Vermes István, Sulyok Endre, Tamás Péter, Farkas Bálint, Zámbó Katalin, Hatzipetros Ioannis, Kovács L Gábor. "Platelet-associated regulatory system (PARS)" with particular reference to female reproduction. JOURNAL OF OVARIAN RESEARCH 7: Paper 55. 10 p. (2014)

Kovacs GL. Új lehetőségek és bevált utak a prosztatarák laboratóriumi diagnosztikájában. MAGYAR ONKOLÓGIA 58:(4) pp. 301-309. (2014)

Réger Barbara, Tóth Orsolya, Litter Ilona, Pótó László, Nagy Ágnes, Mózes Réka, Miseta Attila, Kovács L Gábor, Losonczy Hajna. Véralvadási paraméterek változása normál várandósság során. MAGYAR NŐORVOSOK LAPJA 77:(2) pp. 4-10. (2014)

Miko E, Meggyes M, Bogar B, Schmitz N, Barakonyi A, Varnagy A, Farkas B, Tamas P, Bodis J, Szekeres-Bartho J, Illes Z, Szereday L. Involvement of Galectin-9/TIM-3 Pathway in the Systemic Inflammatory Response in Early-Onset Preeclampsia. PLOS ONE 8:(8) Paper e71811. 9 p. (2013)

V Csakvary, T Puskas, G Oroszlan, P Lakatos, B Kalman, G L Kovacs, E Toldy. Hormonal and biochemical parameters correlated with bone densitometric markers in prepubertal Hungarian children. BONE 54:(1) pp. 106-112. (2013)

Virágh É; Horváth D, Lőcsei Z, Kovács L, Jáger R, Varga B, Kovács L G, Toldy E. Vitamin D supply among healthy blood donors in County Vas, Hungary. ORVOSI HETILAP (ISSN: 0030-6002) (eISSN: 1788-6120) 153: (41) pp. 1629-1637. (2012

Kovacs GL. Laboratóriumi medicina: a feltárásra váró kincsesbánya. IME: INFORMATIKA ÉS MENEDZSMENT AZ EGÉSZSÉGÜGYBEN (ISSN: 1588-6387) (eISSN: 1789-9974) 11: (6) pp. 17-19. (2012)

Csakvary V, Erhardt E, Vargha P, Oroszlan G, Bodecs T, Török D, Toldy E; Kovacs GL. Association of Lean and Fat Body Mass, Bone Biomarkers and Gonadal Steroids with Bone Mass during Pre- and Midpuberty. HORMONE RESEARCH IN PAEDIATRICS (ISSN: 1663-2818) (eISSN: 1663-2826) 78: (4) pp. 203-211. (2012)

Tamás Kőszegi, Miklós Poór. Ochratoxin A: Molecular Interactions, Mechanisms of Toxicity and Prevention at the Molecular Level Toxins (8): Paper 111. 25 p. (2016)

Nikolett Sali, Sándor Nagy, Miklós Poór, Tamás Kőszegi. Multiparametric luminescent viability assay in toxicology models: a critical evaluation. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL AND TOXICOLOGICAL METHODS (79): pp. 45-54. (2016)

Németh Balázs, Kiss István, Péter Iván, Ajtay Zénó, Németh Ádám, Márk László, Csorba Attila, Kőszegi Tamás, Mühl Diána, Kustán Péter. Monitoring of L-Arginine and Endogenous Dimethylarginines in Survivor Septic Patients - A Pilot Study. IN VIVO (30): pp. 663-669. (2016)

Miklós Poór, Zita Zrínyi, Tamás Kőszegi. Structure related effects of flavonoid aglycones on cell cycle progression of HepG2 cells: Metabolic activation of fisetin and quercetin by catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT). BIOMEDICINE AND PHARMACOTHERAPY (83): pp. 998-1005. (2016)

Hajna Z, Szabadfi K, Balla Z, Biro Z, Degrell P, Molnar GA, Koszegi T, Tekus V, Helyes Z, Dobos A, Farkas S, Szucs G, Gabriel R, Pinter E. Modeling long-term diabetes and related complications in rats. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL AND TOXICOLOGICAL METHODS (78): pp. 1-12. (2016)

Éva Brigitta Patay, Nikolett Sali, Tamás Kőszegi, Rita Csepregi, Viktória Lilla Balázs, Tibor Sebastian Németh, Tibor Németh, Nóra Papp. Antioxidant potential, tannin and polyphenol contents of seed and pericarp of three Coffea species. ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE 9:(4) pp. 366-371. (2016)

7. Kovács Gábor L, Montskó Gergely, Zrínyi Zita, Farkas Nelli, Várnagy Ákos, Bódis József. Non-invasive assessment of viability in human embryos fertilized in vitro..E-JIFCC THE ELECTRONICAL JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF CLINICAL CHEMISTRY AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. 27:(2) pp. 112-121. (2016)

Péter Kustán, Balázs Szirmay, Zoltán Horváth-Szalai, Andrea Ludány, Ágnes Lakatos, Diána Mühl, Per Hjort Christensen, Attila Miseta, Gábor L. Kovács, Tamás Kőszegi. Urinary orosomucoid: validation of an automated immune turbidimetric test and its possible clinical use. BIOCHEMIA MEDICA (26):421–30 (2016)                     

Gergely Montskó, Krisztina Gödöny, Ákos Várnagy, József Bódis, Gábor L. Kovács. Embryo viability assessment using the Istanbul consensus scoring system followed by the measurement of haptoglobin alpha-1 fragment: how an improved outcome is achieved. HUMAN FERTILITY. in press (2017)

Gergely Montskó, Krisztina Gödöny, Ákos Várnagy, József Bódis, Gábor L. Kovács. Non-invasive Assessment of the Embryo Viability via the Analysis of the Culture Media. EMBRIO CLEAVAGE Book Chapter. (2017)

Éva Tékus, Márk Váczi, Zoltán Horváth-Szalai, Andrea Ludány, Tamás Kőszegi, Márta Wilhelm. Plasma actin, gelsolin and orosomucoid levels after eccentric exercise. Journalé of Human Kinetics 56:(1) pp. 99-108. (2017)

Horváth-Szalai Zoltán, Kustán Péter, Mühl Diána, Ludány Andrea, Bugyi Beáta, Kőszegi Tamás. Antagonistic sepsis markers: serum gelsolin and actin/gelsolin ratio. CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY 50:(3) pp. 127-133. (2017)

Kőszegi Tamás. Flow cytometry in rapid mycotoxin testing. Cytometry Part A 91:(2) pp. 173-174. (2017)

Kustan P, Szirmay B, Horvath-Szalai Z, Ludany A, Kovacs GL, Miseta A, Koszegi T, Muhl D. Urinary orosomucoid: a novel, early biomarker of sepsis with promising diagnostic performance. CLINICAL CHEMISTRY AND LABORATORY MEDICINE 55:(2) pp. 299-307. (2017)

Németh Balázs, Kiss István, Jencsik Tímea, Péter Iván, Kreska Zita, Kőszegi Tamás, Miseta Attila, Kustán Péter, Boncz Imre, Laczó Andrea, Ajtay Zénó. Angiotensin-converting Enzyme Inhibition Improves the Effectiveness of Transcutaneous Carbon Dioxide Treatment. IN VIVO 31:(3) pp. 425-428. (2017)

Labadi A, Nagy A, Szomor A, Miseta A, Kovacs GL. Factitious hyperkalemia in hematologic disorders. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL LABORATORY & INVESTIGATION 77:(1) pp. 66-72. (2017)

Kósa Brigitta, Vassné Lakatos Ágnes, Kőszegi Tamás: Antioxidáns kapacitás mérése szeptikus betegek szérumából. EGÉSZSÉG-AKADÉMIA 7:(2), 99-111. (2016)

Kustán Péter, Horváth-Szalai Zoltán, Mühl Diána: Nonconventional markers of sepsis. E-JIFCC THE ELECTRONICAL JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF CLINICAL CHEMISTRY AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. 28:(2) pp. 122-133. (2017)

Kőszegi Tamás (Guest Editor): Advances in the diagnosis of sepsis. E-JIFCC The ELECTRONICAL JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF CLINICAL CHEMISTRY AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. 28:(2) pp. 99-103. (2017)

Csepregi R, Temesfői V, Poór M, Faust Z, Kőszegi T. Green Fluorescent Protein-Based Viability Assay in a Multiparametric Configuration. Molecules. 23(7). pii: E1575.

Csepregi R, Lemli B, Kunsági-Máté S, Szente L, Kőszegi T, Németi B, Poór M. Complex Formation of Resorufin and Resazurin with Β-Cyclodextrins: Can Cyclodextrins Interfere with a Resazurin Cell Viability Assay? Molecules. 23(2). pii: E382. (2018)

Zelma Faisal, Diána Derdák, Beáta Lemli, Sándor Kunsági-Máté, Mónika Bálint, Csaba Hetényi, Rita Csepregi, Tamás Kőszegi, Franziska Sueck, Benedikt Cramer, Hans-Ulrich Humpf, Miklós Poór. Interaction of 2'R-ochratoxin A with Serum Albumins: Binding Site, Effects of Site Markers, Thermodynamics, Species Differences of Albumin-binding, and Influence of Albumin on Its Toxicity in MDCK Cells. TOXINS 10: p. 353. (2018)

Szirmay B, Kustan P, Horvath-Szalai Z, Ludany A, Lakatos A, Muhl D, Wittmann I, Miseta A, Kovacs GL, Koszegi T. Novel automated immune turbidimetric assay for routine urinary cystatin-C determinations. BIOANALYSIS 10:(6) pp. 377-384. (2018)

Reger B, Losonczy H, Nagy A, Peterfalvi A, Mozes R, Poto L, Farkas N, Kovacs GL, Miseta A, Hussain A, Toth O. Detection of high-risk thrombophilia with an automated, global test: the Coagulation Inhibitor Potential assay. BLOOD COAGULATION & FIBRINOLYSIS in press. (2018)

Horvath-Szalai Z, Kustan P, Szirmay B, Lakatos A, Christensen PH, Huber T, Bugyi B, Muhl D, Ludany A, Miseta A, Kovacs GL, Koszegi T. Predictive value of serum gelsolin and Gc globulin in sepsis - a pilot study. CLINICAL CHEMISTRY AND LABORATORY MEDICINE in press. (2018)

Horvath-Szalai Z, Kustan P, Szirmay B, Lakatos A, Christensen PH, Huber T, Bugyi B, Muhl D, Ludany A, Miseta A, Kovacs GL, Koszegi T. Validation of an automated immune turbidimetric assay for serum gelsolin and its possible clinical utility in sepsis. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL LABORATORY ANALYSIS 32:(3) Paper e22321. 7 p. (2018)

Nikolett Sali, Rita Csepregi, Tamás Kőszegi, Sándor Kunsági-Máté, Lajos Szente, Miklós Poór. Complex formation of flavonoids fisetin and geraldol with β-cyclodextrins. JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE 194: pp. 82-90. (2018)

Papp N, Sali N, Csepregi R, Tóth M, Gyergyák K, Dénes T, Bartha SG, Varga E, Kaszás A, Kőszegi T. Antioxidant potential of some plants used in folk medicine in Romania. FARMACIA (BUCHAREST) in press (2018)

Rita Csepregi, Beáta Lemli, Sándor Kunsági-Máté, Lajos Szente, Tamás Kőoszegi, Balázs Németi, Miklós Poór. Complex Formation of Resorufin and Resazurin with B-Cyclodextrins: Can Cyclodextrins Interfere with a Resazurin Cell Viability Assay? MOLECULES 23:(2) Paper 382. 16 p. (2018)

Csepregi R, Temesfői V, Sali N, Poór M, W Needs P, A Kroon P, Kőszegi T. A One-Step Extraction and Luminescence Assay for Quantifying Glucose and ATP Levels in Cultured HepG2 Cells. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Sep 8;19(9). pii: E2670. doi:

Kustán P, Kőszegi T, Miseta A, Péter I, Ajtay Z, Kiss I, Németh B. Urinary Orosomucoid A Potential Marker Of Inflammation In Psoriasis. Int J Med Sci. 2018 Jul 13;15(11):1113-1117. doi: 10.7150/ijms.25687.

Sághy É, Payrits M, Bíró-Sütő T, Skoda-Földes R, Szánti-Pintér E, Erostyák J, Makkai G, Sétáló G Jr, Kollár L, Kőszegi T, Csepregi R, Szolcsányi J, Helyes Z, Szőke É. Carboxamido steroids inhibit the opening properties of transient receptor potential ion channels by lipid raft modulation. J Lipid Res. 2018 Oct;59(10):1851-1863. doi: 10.1194/jlr.M084723.

Das S, Gazdag Z, Szente L, Meggyes M, Horváth G, Lemli B, Kunsági-Máté S, Kuzma M, Kőszegi T. Antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of randomly methylated β cyclodextrin - captured essential oils. Food Chem. 2019 Apr 25;278:305-313. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.11.047.

Szirmay B, Tárnok A, Sarlós P, Szigeti N, Ludány A, Kustán P, Horváth-Szalai Z, Miseta A, Kőszegi T. Elevated urinary orosomucoid excretion as a novel biomarker in Crohn's disease. Eur J Clin Invest. 2019 Mar;49(3):e13054. doi: 10.1111/eci.13054.

Faisal Z, Vörös V, Lemli B, Derdák D, Kunsági-Máté S, Bálint M, Hetényi C, Csepregi R, Kőszegi T, Bergmann D, Sueck F, Humpf HU, Hübner F, Poór M. Interaction of the mycotoxin metabolite dihydrocitrinone with serum albumin. Mycotoxin Res. 2019 May;35(2):129-139. doi: 10.1007/s12550-018-0336-z.

Makszin L, Kustán P, Szirmay B, Páger C, Mező E, Kalács KI, Pászthy V, Györgyi E, Kilár F, Ludány A, Kőszegi T. Microchip gel electrophoretic analysis of perchloric acid-soluble serum proteins in systemic inflammatory disorders. Electrophoresis. 2019 Feb;40(3):447-454. doi: 10.1002/elps.201800378.

Montskó G, Gödöny K, Herczeg R, Várnagy Á, Bódis J, Kovács GL. Alpha-1 chain of human haptoglobin as viability marker of in vitro fertilized human embryos: information beyond morphology. Syst Biol Reprod Med. 2019 Apr;65(2):174-180. doi: 10.1080/19396368.2018.

Pap R, Montskó G, Jánosa G, Sipos K, Kovács GL, Pandur E. Fractalkine Regulates HEC-1A/JEG-3 Interaction by Influencing the Expression of Implantation-Related Genes in an In Vitro Co-Culture Model. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Apr 30;21(9):3175. doi: 10.3390/ijms21093175.

Gergely PA, Murnyák B, Bencze J, Kurucz A, Varjas T, Gombos K and Hortobagyi T. Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Imatinib Mesylate Alters DMBA-Induced Early Onco/Suppressor Gene Expression with Tissue-Specificity in Mice. Biomed Res Int. 2019; 2019:8670398. doi:10.1155/2019/8670398.

Feher G, Gurdan Z, Gombos K, Koltai K, Pusch G, Tibold A, Szapary L. Early seizures after ischemic stroke: focus on thrombolysis. CNS Spectr. 2020;25(1):101-113. doi:10.1017/S1092852919000804.

Fejes E, Feher G, Gurdan Z, Gombos K, Koltai K, Pusch G, Tibold A. Characteristics of Patients Referred To A Specialized Headache Clinic. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):1146. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-58234-w.

Orosz E, Gombos K, Petrevszky N. Csonka D, Haber I, Kaszas B, Toth A, Molnar K, Kalacs K, Piski Z, Gerlinger I, Burian A, Bellyei S, Szanyi I. Visualization of mucosal field in HPV positive and negative oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas: combined genomic and radiology based 3D model. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):40. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-56429-4.

Burian A, Lujber L, Gerlinger I, Jarai T, Orosz E, Turiak L, Acs A, Hegedus Z, Peter AK, Tornoczki T, Gombos K, Mark L. Label-Free Semiquantitative Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Proteomics Analysis of Laryngeal/Hypopharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma on Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Samples - a Pilot Study. Pathol Oncol Res. 2020;10.1007/s12253-020-00849-5. doi:10.1007/s12253-020-00849-5.

Das S, Horváth B, Šafranko S, Jokić S, Széchenyi A, Kőszegi T. Antimicrobial Activity of Chamomile Essential Oil: Effect of Different Formulations. Molecules. 2019 Nov 26;24(23):4321. doi: 10.3390/molecules24234321.

Németh B, Péter I, Boncz I, Jagicza A, Kiss I, Csergő Á, Kőszegi T, Kustán P, Horváth IG, Ajtay Z.Urinary orosomucoid: a new marker of cardiovascular risk in psoriatic patients? Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2019 Jul 5;15:831-837. doi: 10.2147/TCRM.S197633.

Heckel Z, Atlasz T, Tékus É, Kőszegi T, Laczkó J, Váczi M. Monitoring exercise-induced muscle damage indicators and myoelectric activity during two weeks of knee extensor exercise training in young and old men. PLoS One. 2019 Nov 7;14(11):e0224866. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0224866.

Bódis J, Sulyok E, Kőszegi T, Prémusz V, Várnagy Á, Koppán M. Serum and follicular fluid levels of serotonin, kisspeptin, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor in patients undergoing in vitro fertilization: an observational study: Neurohormones in patients receiving IVF. J Int Med Res. 2019 Dec 23:300060519879330. doi: 10.1177/0300060519879330.     

Faisal Z, Vörös V, Fliszár-Nyúl E, Lemli B, Kunsági-Máté S, Csepregi R, Kőszegi T, Zsila F, Poór M. Probing the Interactions of Ochratoxin B, Ochratoxin C, Patulin, Deoxynivalenol, and T-2 Toxin with Human Serum Albumin. Toxins (Basel). 2020 Jun 13;12(6):E392. doi: 10.3390/toxins12060392.

Das S, Vörös-Horváth B, Bencsik T, Micalizzi G, Mondello L, Horváth G, Kőszegi T, Széchenyi A. Antimicrobial Activity of Different Artemisia Essential Oil Formulations. Molecules. 2020 May 21;25(10):2390. doi: 10.3390/molecules25102390.      

Das S, Czuni L, Báló V, Papp G, Gazdag Z, Papp N, Kőszegi T. Molecules. Cytotoxic Action of Artemisinin and Scopoletin on Planktonic Forms and on Biofilms of Candida Species. 2020 Jan 22;25(3):476.

Faisal Z, Garai E, Csepregi R, Bakos K, Fliszár-Nyúl E, Szente L, Balázs A, Cserháti M, Kőszegi T, Urbányi B, Csenki Z, Poór M. Protective effects of beta-cyclodextrins vs. zearalenone-induced toxicity in HeLa cells and Tg(vtg1:mCherry) zebrafish embryos. Chemosphere. 2020 Feb;240:124948. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.124948.

Csepregi R, Temesfői V, Das S, Alberti Á, Tóth CA, Herczeg R, Papp N, Kőszegi T. Cytotoxic, Antimicrobial, Antioxidant Properties and Effects on Cell Migration of Phenolic Compounds of Selected Transylvanian Medicinal Plants. Antioxidants (Basel). 2020 Feb 18;9(2):166. doi: 10.3390/antiox9020166.

SROP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-2012-0053 Investigation of biomarkers in culture medium for the success rate in vitro fertilization. 2.400.000 EUR

SROP-4.2.2.D-15/1/KONV-2015-0004 Increasing the success rate of in vitro fertilization using non-invasive methods.  1.00.0000 EUR

MTA-PTE Human Reproduction Scientific Research Group I. 0.5 Million EUR

NKFI-EPR K/115394/2015/HU Early biochemical indicators of embryo viability 93.000 EUR

EDIOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00021 The use of chip-technology in increasing the effectiveness of human in vitro fertilization 6.5 Million EUR

EDIOP-2.3.3-15-2016-00012 Intensification of the participation of Hungary in ECRIN 3.1 Million EUR

EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00009 Establishing and internationalizing the Thematic Network for Clinical Research 5 Million EUR

EFOP-3.6.1.-16-2016-00004 Comprehensive Development for Implementing Smart Specialization Strategies at the University of Pécs. 517.500 EUR

Higher Education Institutional Excellence Programme II. 74.500 EUR

MTA-PTE Human Reproduction Scientific Research Group II: 0.5 Million EUR

Erasmus+ 2018-1-HU01-KA203-047811 Curriculum Development of Human Clinical Trial for the Next Generation Biomedical Students  - CONSCIOUS. 67.200 EUR

2020-2.1.1-ED-2020-00008  Clinical Trial of FAVIPIRAVIR. 427.000 EUR

2020-2.1.1-ED-2020-00009 Multi-center, non-interventional clinical trial to identify COVID-19, a new type of coronavirus infection, to identify genetic determinants of disease progression and to prepare pharmacogenetic applications. 303.100 EUR

2020-2.1.1-ED-2020-00022 AVIGAN clinical trial. 214.000 EUR

2020-2.1.1-ED-2020-00018 Support for the conduct of human clinical trials on COVID-19 novel coronavirus infections supported by the HECRIN-COVID Commission. 284.700 EUR

Higher Education Institutional Excellence Programme II. 74.500 EUR

NKFI K-127944 “Ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacobotanical survey in Székely Land.” 44.000 EUR

  • Performing ELISA assays
  • Viability-toxicity tests on cell cultures using plate readers
  • Antioxidant capacity measurements in biological samples on plate readers
  • Detection of circulating tumor cells from peripheral blood using microfluidic chip technology
  • Western-blot analysis with quantitative chemiluminescence method
  • Quantitative HPLC measurements
  • HPLC coupled mass spectrometric analysis
  • Fluorescence spectroscopy and polarization measurements
  • DNA sequencing, PCR
  • Plate reader and washer for absorbance, chemiluminescence and fluorescence (time

            resolved as well)

  • Hitachi 4500 spectrofluorimeter with polarization capability
    • 1D and 2D protein electrophoresis and western blot system with chemiluminescence detection
  • Fluorescence microscopy with colour CCD camera and evaluation software
  • Programmable luminometer with injectors
  • Hitachi U-3900 UV-VIS spectrophotometer
  • HPLC coupled HR ESI-TOF mass spectrometry
  • Perkin-Elmer Multimode plate reader
  • Beckman-Coulter Genetic analysis system
  • BioRad t100 PCR
Dr. Katalin Gombos
Research Group Leader